понедельник, 20 октября 2014 г.

Task 2

Correct oll the mistakes .
Doar friends.
Mo house a very bqautiful. Not far away is the pyrk.
 In my house 2 bathroom, 4 bedroom, 1 kitchen, 1 daning room 1 living room and 2 relax room. In my hous there garden.
 Garden is very beautiful. It has many plynts. 
We lave read in the gapden. 
Somatimes is with your family sit and drink tei in the evening and talk.  Frem home not far awoy is the Park. At any time we can go for a walk with friends. Is really wish you came to vosit me.
I hupe you wil coms. Bo .

1 комментарий:

  1. MY house a very bEautiful. Not faIr away iN the pArk.

    In my house 2 bathroomS, 4 bedroomS, 1 kitchen, 1 daning room 1 living room and 2 relax room. In my housE there IS A garden.

    Garden is A very beautiful. It has GOT many plants.

    We ARE lEAve read in the gaRden.

    Somatimes is with your family sit and drink tei in the evening and talk. Frem home not far awoy is the Park. At any time we can go for a walk with friends. I really wish you came to visit me.
